Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Launch a Consulting Business from a Unique Vantage Point

By Geraldine Hopkins

So you are probably reading this with eager enthusiasm as to get your consulting business off the ground, rocking and rolling, and making a profit. Guess what. It's never that easy to start ANY business. There are certain things to keep in mind way before you even start your career as a consultant. It is important to identify the following areas of concern: your niche in a specific industry, special permits and/or certifications you will need, networking and establishing connections, organization and administration, and goal-setting.

When answering these questions, it's very easy to think of the easy answer. However, if you really think about them and answer them truthfully, you will have much more success getting your consulting business up and going. Answer the questions, not from your point of view, but a third-party vantage point. Answer them as a close friend would answer them in regards to you and your abilities.

Identifying your niche in today's economic climate can be challenging. After all, there are already a ton of consultants out there and a load of consulting firms establishing their foothold in the market. There are people and companies gaining more and more market-share every year, every month, every week, every day, and every hour. Identifying your niche is the key to long-term success. Figure out what you know and who can use that knowledge to increase their business, lives, relationships, etc.

Secondly, figure out if your industry of choice will require any special permits or certifications to do business. Check on both the local level, the state level, and the federal level. In some circumstances, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out that starting a consulting business may be easier than you once thought!

Networking is a necessitynot a luxury. You will be the new guy on the block. Consulting will be your way of life. You should make it that way. No one is going to sell your services for you, unless you hire them to do so, except for you and your referrals. Customer service and referrals aside, you are the driving force for gaining clients and/or customers. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and make the connections.

Another important aspect to consider is organization. Running a consulting business can be extremely taxing, if you are unorganized. So, take a quick review of your organizational skills. Is your house neat and tidy? Is your desk organized and ready to rock? If so, great - you still have a lot of work to do in planning, scheduling, finishing tasks in a timely manner, and conducting prompt follow-up. Administration and organization are key areas of concern for consultants in any industry.

My last point has to deal with goal-setting and grit. Many times individuals new to the consulting biz will be eager to start their journey without taking into consideration the pitfalls of this venture. I think it's very important to understand all of the potential pitfalls of any venture before jumping into it. I also think that there is no way that you will be able to see through these pitfalls if you do not set goals. Short-term goal setting and grit are surefire ways to reaching your long-term goals.

Starting a consulting business, much like any business, is hard work. Any consultant out there will tell you that they didn't just luck themselves into their business. They did their work, got out there, and got some clients. If you are prepared to do the work, you will reap the rewards of a successful consulting business.

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