Saturday, May 25, 2013

Getting Targeted Website Traffic Is Easy - Here's How

By James Kupe

If you have a website and you are looking for the best way to get more people to visit, you are not alone. Every second day we see a new traffic generation tool or strategy released, and while they all promise the world, most of them let us down when Google changes it's algorithm.

But after spending years testing all sorts of stuff, from useless plugins that promised free traffic through RSS Feeds, to link building schemes, video distribution and guest blogging, the single best way to get consistent traffic to any website is STILL writing helpful articles and using an automated service to submit them to directories and other publishers.

Automation Is The Key

You can always submit them yourself (it's painful and very time consuming to submit to a lot of directories), but you get massive leverage when you automate it. And since you shouldn't be doing much of that labor intensive stuff anyway, you can outsource it for cheap and you'll then have lots of free time to do more important things.

Of course these article distributors are not free services, but you can go one month or three months at a time. For the amount of work it cuts out and the time it saves, it's a no brainer.

Just remember that your article resource box needs to drive people to a squeeze page where they can opt-in to your newsletter, and not your home page (I made this mistake for YEARS) so you have a chance to build a list and follow up with them. Plus, I recommend you have a pop up form that shows whenever your site loads to increase the number of people you get opting in.

Why Subscribers Are Better Than Website Visitors

Having the same people returning to your site over and over again (through links in your newsletter) is even better than getting new people coming for the first time. That's because you are starting to build a relationship with these people, and they are more likely to buy from your recommendations.

An advanced strategy worth testing is to make an offer on your thank you page as soon as people subscribe. It MAY be better to do this on the post-confirmation page - just test both options and see which one makes you the most money.

Choosing Your Site's Most Wanted Response

If you make the Most Wanted Response of your site getting people onto your opt-in list, and make a targeted offer to everybody who signs up, your traffic and revenue will get a massive boost over time.

Just by focusing on writing and submitting articles each day, and then building a list from the visitors your articles generate, you can build a highly profitable business in just a few months. Try it for yourself and see what happens.

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