Friday, May 24, 2013

Bob Jain Credit Suisse & Usage of Apps

By Rob Sutter

In the world of technology that we live in now, it seems like the uprising of apps is something that will not change. After all, they are simple enough programs to use and just about anyone, regardless of experience, can get the hang of them in just a few minutes. They have to be easy to navigate, though, or else people are not going to take to them in the ways that I am sure the creators would like. It may not be too surprising but Bob Jain Credit Suisse understands this as well.

I think that the Apple Store is one of the best platforms for developers to take to. The reason that I say this is because of the amount of apps; it is extensive, to put it mildly, and a wide audience is going to be able to see them. However, I think that the very few stellar ones are trapped in the proverbial muck, making it somewhat more difficult to weed them out. However, the best ones which are uncovered have features which are easily worth citing.

Bob Jain Credit Suisse is all about keeping up with trends and this is just one field where the apps function. The amount of stories associated with the company is great, which is why the News & Expertise app is so fantastic. With so many reports to be shown, the fact that they are all displayed in an efficient package only makes mattes easier for those who download it. It's a simple interface that workers such as Robert Jain will be able to support as well.

The other app to talk about is given the name Investor Relations & Media. This is the one which is able to keep hold of your records if, for some reason, you have to bring up the ones which are made quarterly or annually. Media releases are also shown through the app, so being able to read for the sake of the news can be done as well. Lastly, let's say that a press conference is occurring; this app allows you to watch it through means of streaming via live feed.

I think that Bob Jain Credit Suisse made a fine choice to produce these apps because I think that it shows a forward sense of thinking on the company's part. They have to be able to keep up with trends and these apps are great because they are so simple to utilize. The company has a great deal of news and a number of facets which should be looked at closely. Hopefully these apps will prove to be hits so that they can continually bring simple usage to the public.

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