Thursday, August 29, 2013

Online Vs Print Advertising - Which One Is Better?

By Vandana Dhawan

Entrepreneurs have various methods to promote their businesses. Online advertising and print advertising are two major advertising methods available to promote businesses. There are various discussions and comparisons about the effectiveness of these two methods. Which one is the best? Is it online adverting, or is it print advertising?

It is very difficult to say that one method is better than the other one. However, both give different benefits. You can use both these advertising methods according to the nature of the business and customer characteristics. Here are some few characteristics and advantages of both advertising methods.

When we consider the process time, print advertising takes much time than online advertising to complete its entire campaign. This happens because most of the processes in print advertising are done physically like advertisement designing, printing and distributing. When considering online advertising, only the designing part takes a few hours. All the other processes can be done quickly. Therefore, it takes lesser time to execute an online advertising campaign than print advertising campaign.

When considering the distribution or the circulation, online advertising have a greater circulation than print advertising. Print media have limited circulations. It can be within a country or within a region. But the internet is a global network and your advertisement is visible to any country. Sometimes, print advertising does not generate instant results. You may need to repeat your ad few times to get the attention of potential customers.

You can specifically target your potential customers through online advertising. Through search engine marketing and keyword optimization, your ads will display only to your target audience. However, it is rather difficult to target a specific set of people through print media. Hence, online advertising will bring potential customers to a business more than print advertising. However, print media is very useful to reach to people who do not use the internet and the people who are not IT savvy.

There are some cheap online advertising methods, and there are also very expensive ones. Generally, print advertising is considered more expensive than online advertising, but we cannot say exactly without discussing it broadly.

You may see that online advertising is beneficial than print advertising by reading above explanations. However, we cannot ignore print media completely because of some benefits such as credibility and tangibility given by this advertising platform. The best thing is the use of both these methods to promote your business.

Whatever form of advertising you want to go with, a full service marketing agency can provide you all the solutions.

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