Friday, August 30, 2013

Don't Let Lack Of Funds Stop You From Launching a Business

By Gina Montana

Do you assume that it is too costly to launch your own company? Many individuals who have wanted to start a company never followed through because they assumed that they would not be able to afford start-up expenses.

However, a large number of well known business owners will confirm that the trick to opening a company is to be innovative with financing. There are numerous companies that have actually been started with minimal funding - out of a garage or even a bedroom.

You don't necessarily need lots of cash to get started, however, it is helpful to know a few of the tricks to building a business with minimal funding. Below are some creative approaches that you can utilize to your advantage.

Services VS Products

Start by selling a service instead of merchandise. Inventory costs money - to obtain it, to stock it and to deliver it. Instead of taking on this expense right in the beginning, utilize your skills or knowledge to offer a service to customers that costs you little or absolutely nothing to do.

For instance, if you understand graphic design and currently possess a computer, you can design websites for individuals. If you are good with animals, you can offer pet sitting or dog walking services.

Selling services does not mean that you can not offer merchandise. It simply means that you may be better off beginning with services and then incorporating products once you have the money to buy them.

Trading and Renting

Barter for equipment or supplies. Some businesses require that you have certain equipment to perform the service. If you do not already have these materials, they can be pricey to buy.

Instead of giving up on the concept of going into business for yourself, why not make an exchange with friends, next-door neighbors or even local companies? You might have the ability to borrow the gear you require in exchange for offering a service for free to the other party. Some examples include a grass mover or a weed trimmer to offer landscaping services.

As your clients and income increase, you can take that money and buy your very own gear. Speaking of utilizing other people's things, you might also be able to lease the equipment, cars or gear you need short-term.

For materials that you use infrequently, you might choose to merely lease them when you need them - even in the long term.

Begin Small

There is no guideline that says a business needs to have everything it requires when it opens it's doors. Begin with the minimum amount of supplies that you have to properly do your work. You don't need a stack of brochures, an employee uniform or a toll-free phone number your first day on the job.

Utilizing this approach also allows you to grow your company according to your customers' wants and needs - which could be different that what you think.

For example, if you decide to begin a cake decorating business from home and discover that many of your clients ask for cupcake desserts, you can then invest your cash on cupcake materials where it will make you the most money.

If you cannot pay for everything up front, do not try to buy all of it. Instead of not going for your dream, simply begin small.

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