Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knowing Which Investors Inventions Is The Right One For You

By Estelle Larsen

There are many things in this world which were invented through the many years of research and the immense amount of resources which were allocated to it. But there are also great inventions which were created out of pure luck and sometimes accidents. If you are and inventor, you know for a fact that the building and the planning are just the first part of everything.

There are still a lot of phases to go through before you can say that your invention was a success. And the hardest part would probably be looking for investors inventions. After acquiring the patent for your invention. And assuming that you have already created something that really works, the next thing that you need to do is look for people who will help finance the whole project.

Most of the time, inventors would go home disappointed because they did not get the funding that they wanted. Investors only go for things when they are sure that they would be getting their money back. Which is why you have to think of a businesses plan where no one would lose.

You have to aim high from the very beginning. Some investors might think that you others are doing this so that they could be popular. But it is not about being famous. It is having the reputation so that you would have the money to share what you have created to the world.

The first option for an investor is yourself. You need solid finances to realize your ideas. The money involved in this kind of investment is scarce compared to others but it is the easiest to come up with. In this scenario, you have to think about what you spending your money on.

To protect the finances that you have, you must come up with a plan to prove that your invention is something that is worth buying. The usual establishments who would be willing to lend you money are major credit card companies like Visa. Master Card can also be an option.

There are also individuals who can fund your project. Owners of businesses that are successful in some way and wanting to invest on something that is going to be big can be and investor that you can partner with. These people are called angel investors.

It would take time to convince them to fund you. But if you are confident on what you made, the only thing that you need is a good business plan. You would also need to draw up a contract outline so that they could see what your terms are and everything is transparent between the two of you.

And if you are really confident that your invention would make it big, then you can try to present it to venture capitalists. They are sometimes company that major on investing on new inventions. Aside from a plan, you also need to come up with a strategy on how you are going to pay them back for them to be assured. You can also expect that they would like to have the same control as you have on the business that you are going to build.

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